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Finboot unlocks Blockchain for Enterprises. Our production-ready middleware solution and application suite, MARCO, lets enterprises experiment with blockchain technology and quickly put digital and track-and-trace solutions into scalable production. Building on top of any of the multiple blockchain frameworks, MARCO transforms complex and emerging blockchain technology into easy-to-use, quick-to-deploy, bespoke track-and-trace applications for industrial sectors, such as Oil & Energy, Chemical, Retail, Fintech and Lawtech.

FINBOOT (UK / Spain) is a pioneer enabler of blockchain applications for enterprises, with our innovative middleware technology (MARCO) that enables large industrial enterprise customers to quickly and easily deploy digital certification and track-and-trace solutions built on any kind of blockchain infrastructure.  MARCO (SaaS) middleware takes the pain out of building blockchain applications and lets our customers, including Repsol, Desigual, Stahl, MineXX, Fidesterra, London Chamber of Arbitration & Mediation and others, digitize their supply / value / process chains, reduce costs through efficiencies and trace assets for certification. Crises such as the coronavirus pandemic, dramatically increase pressure on governments and businesses to maintain resilient supply chains. Resilience of supply chains depend on transparency and integrity, which can be improved through the responsible deployment of blockchain technology. 
The World Economic Forum highlights uses of Finboot digital solutions in airport logistics and the energy sector as examples that prove the value of the blockchain ecosystem and supply-chain partner collaboration.
 Enterprises are hungry for solutions that make blockchain quicker and easier. On the back of growing demand, we have built up a rich pipeline of customer relationships and advanced sales leads. Finboot is uniquely positioned to give them the power to deliver greater accountability, auditability and supply-chain transparency and respond to increasingly stringent regulations and growing market scrutiny of product identification and sourcing driven by the increasing focus on ESG. Read more about us in FORBES.

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